City of Warrenville called to tell us they had an elderly resident with a Garage that was falling down. The garage was surrounded on 3 sides with a brick exterior and the old bricks were falling down. Warrenville is a small community and they just did not have the manpower-labor to go in and make this residents property safe. The owner was unable to make the repairs so the City called our Community Service crew in to tear down the bricks and stack them in the backyard. Community Service 101 arrived with a van load of helpers and a few sledge hammers to get the job done.
5 hours later we had all the loose bricks removed and the garage was wrapped with Tyvek supplied by the City of Warrenville. The bricks are still in the yard so if you live in Warrenville and need some bricks, let us know and we will deliver a few thousand to your house!