Court Ordered Community Service Ideas in New York City
New York City community service. In New York city many people are ordered by the court to pay for their crime by doing their time through community service. Sometimes the court will specify exactly what type of community service you are to perform and where you need to report for your community service hours. Other times the judge will require you to find your own location for community service.
Links below may be useful if you are just looking for a place to volunteer and serve the community.
Throughout New York City there are many nonprofit organizations that will accept court order community service workers.
Listed below are a few local organizations where you can complete court ordered community service hours in and around New York City. If you are completing hours now or know of another organization offering community service hours, please feel free to enter their contact info in a comment and we will add them to the list. Please include their website address when possible.
Hearts and minds is an organization that supports community service requirements however there are regulations and standards based on the severity of the crime you committed but are more than willing to work with individuals to find other areas performing community service. Hearts and minds is an organization that provides information for change where individuals can find resources to donate their time; one of which is their campaign to end poverty from anywhere in the world. To find more information about the campaign to end poverty you will be able to find them on the Internet at for information on hearts and minds may find them at
Another area to consider in performing community service in the state of New York is through the American Red Cross that does except some court ordered community service volunteers. These volunteers are required to work 40 hours of community service to be accepted and are only accepted having minimal charges against them such as moving violations, DUI infractions, misdemeanor drug charges and the like. Volunteers are required work at blood drive for a minimum of five hours. Their duties include but are not limited to welcoming donors, informing donors maintaining confidentiality of donor’s information, and serve refreshments to blood donors. If this is of interest please search under American Red Cross for information or contact Thereza Schwarz at 201-652-3210 or e-mail:
City meals are another interesting balance your program that you may be able to give your time to. City meals are Meals on Wheels program providing a continuous lifeline to homebound elderly New Yorkers. The program provides meals and other services to the elderly so that they may never go a day without companionship. This program as many different areas of opportunities to volunteer in from answering phones preparing deliveries and speaking with the elderly. To find out more information please contact them at or by phone at 212-687-1234 located at 355 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10017.
Habitat for Humanity seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness while making decent shelter a matter of convenience and action through the help of volunteers within your area. It is a long-standing nonprofit program that requires volunteers in many areas to help with services. Volunteers help in the in the construction and refurbishing of homes for the homeless. Habitat for humanity is a very rewarding endeavor by those who have; giving to those that have not. To contact them in their Brooklyn office please call 718 246-5656 or in Manhattan located at 115 E. 23rd St. NY 10010 or by phone at 212 358-7955.
Holy Apostle soup kitchen provides meals to the homeless and those in need throughout the area of 296 ninth Avenue New York and can be reached at 212-924-0167 to request information to volunteer for meal service that may provide you with help with your court ordered community service hours.
This is a small list of community volunteer programs that may help you in your search of completing your court order community service hours. In no way are these only places that are available instead it should be used as tools and ideas that may suit your needs or talents. Searching out other areas to perform your community service hours is also recommended to help the community around you.
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