Court-Ordered Community Service

When you need to do Court Ordered Community Service  you could be required to find your own not for profit organization.

community service 440Many times the judge or the probation office will assign you to a Community Service Work site. If this is the case you will be required to report to your assigned location. If you fail to report for community service within the time frame allowed you may be called back to court.

It is also possible that you could be required to find your own non-profit organization where you can do your community service hours. This makes it a little more difficult to complete your court ordered hours because many places which qualify as not-for-profit will refuse to accept court ordered community service workers or they may have several restrictions and or requirements that prohibit you from completing hours.

When you are ordered by the courts to perform community service you are usually given a time limit and you must complete a set amount of service hours within this time limit. If you fail to complete your community service hours on time you may be called back to court for a probation review or even a probation revocation. Revocation basically means that the court has decided probation did not work for you and you could either be sent to jail or the court could decide to give you more hours of community service.

Community Service is usually defined as any action that will benefit your community. It could be any variety of things like cleaning up public roadsides, public parks, landscaping, planting community gardens, cleaning and or painting city buildings, parks or community recreation centers. Keep in mind that it is very important for your hours to be supervised and verified by a staff member of the non-profit you decide to work for. Unsupervised hours may not be accepted by the courts and your community service hours may not count if they cannot be verified by courts.

So, How can you find opportunities to perform your community service with a nonprofit organization in need of volunteers? Take a look at the list below.

1 Comment

  • Dan says:

    My favorite thing about community service is being able to interact with the guests that attend the meals. Many of them are so thankful for the service we provide. So, I gladly say, thank you CS101 for helping me find this assignment

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